Summer Rec
Folks, first off, we are hoping that everyone is safe during these incredibly difficult times.
The tri-town baseball/softball committee has been discussing what our plans can/should be for offering summer baseball and softball for boys and girls.
Listed below is what we have collectively come up withand we are looking forward to moving ahead. BUT in these incredible times, we will be needing to take extra measures that all children and parents will need to adhere to at all times.
IF this is not feasible for you for whatever reasons, we ask you to let us know but then please don’t plan on registering your child.
1. At the time of registration, parents will be required to click on and agree to the Covid waiver that has been designed for our sports programs. In order to register your child, this will need to be agreed to. (Form attached)
2. Prior to every practice or game, a “health questionnaire” will need to be completed and signed off by the parents (form attached).
3. At the fields, the dugout and bleachers are being reserved for players, coaches and game official(s)only. They will be cordoned off and no parents will be able to sit in the bleachers, the bleachers will be for players only, parents/fans will be situated down the foul lines out of play, or in the outfield.
All of these measures are being implemented to keep your children safe.
4. There will be no sharing of equipment. Every child must have their own batting helmet and catchers gear (a child that wishes to catch, we will supply them with catchers gear that we would ask that you take home with you after every practice or game and clean and at the end of the season, we will ask that this be returned to us- cleaned/sanitized. )
5. We are asking for MORE parent volunteers that can assist with dispensing hand sanitizer in between innings and guiding the children to their specifically marked locations in the dugout and bleachers. These volunteers do NOT need to be Rutgers certified, as they will NOT be on the field and will be an extra pair of hands.
6. As important as all of these measures listed above are, we need YOUR help in speaking to your child about the safety measures that we are putting in place and the need to practice social distancing. We also need and expect parents and spectators to adhere to social distancing rules.As part of this, there will be no hand shaking, back slapping congratulations and no chewing gum or seeds. Tipping of hats to show good sportsmanship will be recommended for all players and coaches.
7. Players will be required to wear face coverings when they are not in the field of play or on deck to bat. Coaches will be required to wear face coverings when it is not possible to maintain social distancing.
Umpires for the games will be situated behind the pitchers mound to call balls and strikes, for the older level 5-8, an additional umpire will be situated behind the catcher’s position but NOT in their normal position. They will be a distance away and this umpire will call fair and foul balls, foul tips, and plays at the plate and runners leaving early. They will NOT be calling balls and strikes.
More details will be made available as we get them and the program can be halted at any time should the Governor or town officials decide to halt them. We will be looking to offer this program for the following ages, based upon not only interest but from having appropriate aged opponents to play against (locally):
3/4 boys, 3/4 girls, 5/6 boys, 5/6 girls, 7/8 boys (no 7/8 girls as there are no teams to play against and only 8 girls showed interest).
Registration is open, the fee is $75 which will cover, umpires, game supplies and some type of jersey and hat. All children will also be issued a face covering that should be worn when they are on the bench or in the bleachers not during actual game play.
Closter/Haworth children can register via the Closter Rec Website - community pass system ( Demarest children should register via Demarest Community pass, (Demarest reg will be open later today or tomorrow morning ) Please note that community pass has a glitch that we cannot fix right now. The glitch is that it has moved the kids grades up a year from this previous year. To confirm- the children will be playing in the age group that they were in for school year 2019-2020.
Any questions, or concerns please send us an email, we are hoping this will work out but we truly need everyone’s assistance in making it work out.
Jim Oettinger Closter
Mitch Jain/Adam Collins/Don Morgan Demarest
Bruce Celotto Haworth
Click here for sample of Health Questionnaire
Click here for Covid Waiver Form- to be signed at Time of Registration
Folks, first off, we are hoping that everyone is safe during these incredibly difficult times.
The tri-town baseball/softball committee has been discussing what our plans can/should be for offering summer baseball and softball for boys and girls.
Listed below is what we have collectively come up withand we are looking forward to moving ahead. BUT in these incredible times, we will be needing to take extra measures that all children and parents will need to adhere to at all times.
IF this is not feasible for you for whatever reasons, we ask you to let us know but then please don’t plan on registering your child.
1. At the time of registration, parents will be required to click on and agree to the Covid waiver that has been designed for our sports programs. In order to register your child, this will need to be agreed to. (Form attached)
2. Prior to every practice or game, a “health questionnaire” will need to be completed and signed off by the parents (form attached).
3. At the fields, the dugout and bleachers are being reserved for players, coaches and game official(s)only. They will be cordoned off and no parents will be able to sit in the bleachers, the bleachers will be for players only, parents/fans will be situated down the foul lines out of play, or in the outfield.
All of these measures are being implemented to keep your children safe.
4. There will be no sharing of equipment. Every child must have their own batting helmet and catchers gear (a child that wishes to catch, we will supply them with catchers gear that we would ask that you take home with you after every practice or game and clean and at the end of the season, we will ask that this be returned to us- cleaned/sanitized. )
5. We are asking for MORE parent volunteers that can assist with dispensing hand sanitizer in between innings and guiding the children to their specifically marked locations in the dugout and bleachers. These volunteers do NOT need to be Rutgers certified, as they will NOT be on the field and will be an extra pair of hands.
6. As important as all of these measures listed above are, we need YOUR help in speaking to your child about the safety measures that we are putting in place and the need to practice social distancing. We also need and expect parents and spectators to adhere to social distancing rules.As part of this, there will be no hand shaking, back slapping congratulations and no chewing gum or seeds. Tipping of hats to show good sportsmanship will be recommended for all players and coaches.
7. Players will be required to wear face coverings when they are not in the field of play or on deck to bat. Coaches will be required to wear face coverings when it is not possible to maintain social distancing.
Umpires for the games will be situated behind the pitchers mound to call balls and strikes, for the older level 5-8, an additional umpire will be situated behind the catcher’s position but NOT in their normal position. They will be a distance away and this umpire will call fair and foul balls, foul tips, and plays at the plate and runners leaving early. They will NOT be calling balls and strikes.
More details will be made available as we get them and the program can be halted at any time should the Governor or town officials decide to halt them. We will be looking to offer this program for the following ages, based upon not only interest but from having appropriate aged opponents to play against (locally):
3/4 boys, 3/4 girls, 5/6 boys, 5/6 girls, 7/8 boys (no 7/8 girls as there are no teams to play against and only 8 girls showed interest).
Registration is open, the fee is $75 which will cover, umpires, game supplies and some type of jersey and hat. All children will also be issued a face covering that should be worn when they are on the bench or in the bleachers not during actual game play.
Closter/Haworth children can register via the Closter Rec Website - community pass system ( Demarest children should register via Demarest Community pass, (Demarest reg will be open later today or tomorrow morning ) Please note that community pass has a glitch that we cannot fix right now. The glitch is that it has moved the kids grades up a year from this previous year. To confirm- the children will be playing in the age group that they were in for school year 2019-2020.
Any questions, or concerns please send us an email, we are hoping this will work out but we truly need everyone’s assistance in making it work out.
Jim Oettinger Closter
Mitch Jain/Adam Collins/Don Morgan Demarest
Bruce Celotto Haworth
Click here for sample of Health Questionnaire
Click here for Covid Waiver Form- to be signed at Time of Registration

Please review and update your account information in Community Pass!
Email notification is the #1 way that we are communicating about tryouts/evaluations, coaching, cancellations etc. Please take an extra step to check your Primary Contact info. (Click on View Account after you log in). If you wish to have BOTH mom AND dad receive communications, please fill in the field “Alternate Email 1”. Should you want to add your work email, you can use “Alternate Email 2”.