REMIND APPPlease sign up for the “REMIND” app on your phones - see instructions below. This will be a vital form of communication via text with daily/weekly reminders from the camp director - Adam Sidrow.
DROP OFF & PICK UPWalking or riding a bicycle to and from campIf you are allowing your child to walk/ride a bicycle to and from camp, please fill out the form below and send it in with your child on the first day of camp, OR the first day that your child will be walking/riding a bicycle home.
Pickup ProcedureWhen picking up your child at the end of the day, please go to the area designated for your child. Please put a piece of paper in the windshield identifying the child being picked up. PLEASE don’t just put the last name i.e. “JONES” as we might have two “Jones" families. Please put the child(ren)'s full name “Matt Jones” on the paper. Please review the procedure for picking up and adhere to this policy.
Info on who can pickup your childThis information was collected at the opening of camp when you registered your children on CommunityPass. We are going with this information only. YOU CAN UPDATE THIS AND SHOULD UPDATE THIS. If you update it, please send myself and Adam Sidrow an email letting us know that this was updated.
Pool Access Levels
As stated at all of the three meetings that were held, the safety of YOUR children is our number ONE priority. To that end, we are implementing a simple policy – YOU will decide what you want your child’s access to the pool when they are at the Demarest Swim Club.
Wrist bands will be given out to the campers each trip to the swim club. Please see the chart below to determine which pool access you are permitting your child. Fill out the Wrist Band Declaration Form and send it in with your child on the first day of camp. If you want to change the access level after you hand in the form, please resubmit the form.
Remember!! NO Form => RED wrist band
Swim Vests |
Swim LessonsDemarest Swim Club offers swim lessons during your child's visit to the Demarest Swim Club. If you are interested in enrolling your child for the swim lessons, please download and complete the registration form below.
Bathroom Policies at the Swim Club
Campers will be accompanied to the bathrooms. Counselors will first check to see if anyone is in the bathroom at the swim club. They will NOT enter the bathrooms with the campers but will remain outside until they are done. If after a period of time, the camper does not come out, the counselor will stick his/her head in the door to ask if everything is ok. (Parents - please review with your children the proper response for any issues that you might be concerned with, with the number one thing being YELL FOR HELP)
Bathroom Procedures on Field Trips
Counselors will go in pairs to the bathroom with the children, they will enter, scope out the bathroom and remain in the bathroom by the sink with another counselor. Again, please review proper procedure of seeking help, yelling if they ever feel threatened by a stranger - at camp or out in the real world - the safety of your children is the most important aspect of the camp.