WELCOME TO CLOSTER SUMMER REC CAMP!!!March 20, 2022 Happy Summer and welcome to the Closter Summer Recreation Camp Program. We hope your little camper(s) are as excited as we are to start camp. We have lots of great programs, trips, and theme days planned this summer. By working together and following some guidelines and simple rules that are listed below, we will have a safe and fantastic summer! Camp Dates / Hours: Camp begins on Monday, June 27th and ends Friday, August 5th. Camp runs from 9am – 3pm everyday. Please be aware that drop off each day is at 9am. We will enter through the auditorium door in-front of Tenakill Middle School. Please do not drop off campers prior to 9am as we are not able to be responsible for them due to insurance reasons until the 9am start time. If you drop off your child after 9:15am you must walk your child in and sign them in. Any camper being picked-up before 3pm must also be signed-out. If your child is going home with someone that is not listed on your initial form, you must send in a note or email me with the name of the individual picking up your child. Notification must be given the morning of the pick-up. Camp Location: Camp is located at Tenakill Middle School, 275 High Street. Every Wednesday is “Pool Day”. Demarest Swim Club is the location of our pool days - 1 Wakelee Dr, Demarest. Campers will be bussed over to Demarest Swim Club around 9:45am and we will spend the remainder of the day there. PICK-UP WILL BE AT DEMAREST SWIM CLUB ON POOL DAYS starting at 2:45pm! The carpool line will begin at 2:45pm and go until 3pm. Drop Off / Pick up: Drop-off AND Pick-Up for ALL GRADES will be in the front of Tenakill Middle School. You will drop them off in front of the stairs by the auditorium. We will use that door to enter and exit camp. During Pick-Up, there will be a line formed in front of the school. Please stay in your car as your child will be brought to you. Please do not engage in conversation with a director or counselors at this time, as we need to keep the carpool line moving as safely and quickly as possible. If you choose not to do the carpool line, please park in an appropriate spot and walk up to get your child. Late fees will be charged for any camper that is picked-up after 3:15pm. 3:15 – 3:30 - $10. After 3:30pm - $20. Snack / Lunch: Please send your child to camp everyday with a light, healthy mid-morning snack and a cold drink. Everything you send to camp MUST be clearly labeled with your child’s name. PLEASE DO NOT SEND IN ANY FOODS THAT CONTAIN NUTS OF ANY KIND. WE ARE A NUT-FREE CAMP. Please remember that we will not be refrigerating lunches that are brought to camp. However, all food will be kept indoors in an air-conditioned room. Please pack a lunch that will “hold up” without refrigeration for a few hours. All field trips will include lunch. Proper Clothing / Cell Phone policy: Please be sure that campers wear sneakers (not flip flops) and appropriate, comfortable clothing to camp each day. Please sunscreen your child before arriving at camp. Counselors will not be permitted to apply sunscreen onto the campers. **NO CELL PHONES at camp. Any camper who brings a cell phone will need to check it (leave it) at the front desk and may get it at the conclusion of camp. Field Trips / Camp T-shirt: If your child is attending any field trip, please have your children wear the camp T-shirt on the day of each field trip. Each camper will receive a camp shirt prior to the first field trip. Our Team of Directors - Adam Sidrow, Camp Director [email protected] Charlie Churchill, Art Director Doug Stokes, Sports Director Ed Barsuk, Sports Director Jim Oettinger (Rec Director) [email protected] Camper’s Rules / Conduct Policy:
Misbehaving and not following appropriate code of conduct can be detrimental to our goal of providing a safe, fun, and relaxed camp atmosphere for each child. We want everyone to support and encourage one another, interact with a variety of peers and make new friends. Failure to follow these rules can result in consequences such as suspension and ultimately removal from camp. |